
Bausch & Lomb Lenses in Fort Collins

Pure Vision 2HD


  • Designed to reduce halos and glare and deliver the clear, crisp vision that you should demand.
  • High oxygen transmission for bright, healthy eyes
  • Thin lens design, yet remarkably easy to handle

Outstanding Comfort
The thin lens design of PureVision2 contact lenses provides a remarkably natural feel and supports wearing comfort throughout the day. The moisture-rich packaging solution supports comfort on insertion.

Exceptional Visual Quality


Soflens Daily Disposable

Outstanding all-day Comfort BandLDisposable
SofLens daily disposable lenses achieve a high level of comfort through ComfortMoist Technology – our unique lens design and innovative packaging solution. The lens design is exceptionally thin, allowing for a remarkably natural feel on the eye. The slow-release packaging solution creates a cushion of moisture around the lenses – keeping your eyes comfortable all day through the end of the day.

Crisp, clear vision, especially at night
SofLens is the first daily disposable lens with High Definition Optics – a technology that helps reduce the appearance of blurriness, halos, and glare across a full range of conditions. The result is crisp, clear vision no matter the time or place, and especially in low-light situations. Description: Soflens daily disposable difference

Pure Vision 2HD For Astigmatism

Pure Vision 2HD For AstigmatismIncredible Vision

  • Reduces halos and glare so you can enjoy remarkably crisp, clear vision even in low light
  • Breakthrough design made specifically for people with astigmatic eyes

Amazing Stability

  • Delivers uninterrupted vision at all times for majority of patients
  • Reduces blur and haziness that can be associated with sudden movements

Outstanding Comfort

  • Moisture-rich packaging solution designed to provide outstanding comfort upon insertion
  • Remarkably thin lens design which provides a natural feel to support comfort throughout the day

SofLens Toric for AstigmatismSoflens Toric for Astigmatism

  • Delivers clear, stable vision
  • Time-tested, deposit resistant material for excellent comfort
  • Provides accurate, stable fit · Visibility tint for easy handling

Pure Vision Multi-Focal

  • The world’s #1 multifocal design for people with presbyopia
  • All-Distance Optics™ allow you to see clearly near, far and in-between
  • Comfort-enhancing AerGel™ material repels debris and stays moist all day
  • Allows natural levels of oxygen for healthy, white eyes
  • Designed to provide 30 days of excellent vision and comfort – easy to remember to replace them once a month

SofLens MultifocalSoflens Multi- Focal

  • #1 multi-focal design for people with presbyopia
  • Time-tested, deposit resistant material for excellent comfort
  • Easy handling and adaptation

Featured Vision Services

Explore What We Do

Comprehensive Eye Exams For Everyone

A full comprehensive eye exam looks for changes in vision but also examines a patients overall health…

Contact Lens Exams and Fittings

In today’s tech fueled atmosphere there is no shortage of options when it comes to contact lenses…

Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment

If eye strain, headaches, fatigue and nausea are common for you, come and see us…

Eye Disease Checks, Scans and Treatments

Whether old or young, there is no excuse for not getting screened for potential vision loss down the road…
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