
Hours & Location

With an office in Fort Collins, Colorado Optometry serves Northern Colorado and the surrounding areas including Wyoming Nebraska. Our eye care office is conveniently located on S. College Avenue.

Call us to make an appointment with our eye doctor to talk about your eyeglasses, contact lenses or specialty lens needs. You are also welcome to drop in anytime to browse through our large selection of designer eyeglass frames and sunglasses.  

Featured Vision Services

Explore What We Do

Comprehensive Eye Exams For Everyone

A full comprehensive eye exam looks for changes in vision but also examines a patients overall health…

Contact Lens Exams and Fittings

In today’s tech fueled atmosphere there is no shortage of options when it comes to contact lenses…

Computer Vision Syndrome Treatment

If eye strain, headaches, fatigue and nausea are common for you, come and see us…

Eye Disease Checks, Scans and Treatments

Whether old or young, there is no excuse for not getting screened for potential vision loss down the road…
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